
Cisco switch 3750
Cisco switch 3750

cisco switch 3750 cisco switch 3750

If these restrictions are not followed, it can cause high CPU utilization. Policy Based Routing (PBR) implementation in Cisco Catalyst 3750 switches has some limitations. It is a c3750, which has some special platform-specific limitations: PBR can also be used to route the packets over specific traffic engineered paths, which provide the desired QoS through the network. The routers in the core can then implement queuing techniques to prioritize the already marked traffic. PBR can be used to implement QoS by classifying and marking packets with IP precedence values in the Type of Service (ToS) field of the IP header. This provides cost savings by distributing interactive traffic among low bandwidth, low cost paths and batch traffic over high bandwidth, high cost paths. PBR provides advantages like Source-Based Transit Provider Selection when multihomed to different providers. the traffic match the following ACL are route normally, all other traffic destination to are route to : I want to use Catalyst 3750 PBR to reroute traffic.

Cisco switch 3750